Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Fun stuff, my imaginary readers! I remembered to type up a new post! All on my own! Ok that's not ENTIRELY true. One of my friends (yes I have a couple now!) told me about a blog that she and her friend made ( <3 Abby and Talya!). And then I remembered this website, buried under the piles and piles of far more superior websites, drowning in a sea of cyberspace and advertisements, rushing around violently and haphazardly. The improbability of even stumbling upon this site, not even a scab on the elbow of the Internet, is staggering. This blog is not even an underdog, more like an under...hamster, scuttering about on its little wheel of neglect. But ANYWHO, I decided to bebop over to this bodacious blog and bring a big book of updates to YOU! Because I have a confession to make America, and the world, I have not been fair to you. Blogging is at the heart and mind of every patriot in America (the kind that sit at home and watch reruns of House while drinking Mountain Dew in an, old, unwashed t-shirt). But I have violated the sacred sanctum of speech in one way: I have not been typing from the heart... it's sort of been coming from the spleenish area. Forgive me for I have deceived you, allow me to shuffle off this deceptive coil and reveal who I really am. My name is Loserguy (as far as you're concerned) and I'm not actually so downtrodden and alone as my previous posts may have indicated. I'm actually quite hyper, talkative, and dead gorgeous. You may recognize me as that underwear model you really wanted to sleep with. Yea remember him? That's me. Anyway it was New Year's or whatever recently (13 days ago, I'm busy Ok? Geez) and so I guess I had better make some resolutions or whatever it is the kids do these days.

1) Actually update this blog once a month. (probably not gonna happen but we'll see. It's amazing how much you can accomplish when you have no life).

2) Increase my bubbly awesome to 100%!

3) Annoy people less (might be hard as science has shown that an increase in bubbly is directly proportional to an increase in annoyance)

4) Wreck Fools. 'Nuff said.

5) Make 5 resolutions.

Wow I've already completed one of the resolutions. Looks like this year is off to a good start! Once again, I apologize for the trickery, but hey, it's a new year and I'm a new person. Same ravishingly delectable looks on the outside; but with a new creamy filling full of excitement and hope. At least it's not nougat filling. I hate nougat.

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