Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I'm Not the Scrooge, I Just Hope You Have A Horrible Christmas... For Personal Reasons

Yup, it's almost Christmas, imaginary readers! That means another day of Christmas shopping and preparing a feast (for you), and another day of crying on the sofa alone in the dark while eating a tub of Ben and Jerry's and watching reruns of Grey's Anatomy (for me some). But it's not all fun for me, I also have a lot of work around the holidays. For instance, I have to get a hose attached out front for when carolers arrive, and I have tons of hate mail bills to sort through. I bet you're wondering what you got for Christmas. Well have you been good this year? Probably not so your parents Santa is going to give you a pretty awful gift, like a toothbrush. Not that I should really be talking. The last gift I received? My electric bill. Well I'm pretty busy, so I've gotta go. Try not to have too much fun! No, seriously, I can hear you from inside my house.

P.S. Santa doesn't exist...Merry Christmas everyone.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Yea it's another post... Deal with it.

Alright so this is sad. I forgot my blog and my promise to maintain this blog and my unspoken promise to keep these promises... and I broke them. Why? Because I am so much of a loser, this blog is at the bottom of my priorities:
Loserguy's Priorities
  • Find Friends (apparently stalking is not an acceptable substitute for friendship)
  • Work on "Conversation"
  • Cry
  • Support the Hannah Montana Fan Club
  • Steal letters from next-door so that I can return them forcing my neighbor to interact with me (Note to self: Practice "Conversation" first)
So that's a list of my priorities. Oh wait I forgot to put "updating my blog" on there. That's how worthless this blog is. Hmm, if I want to add any worth to this blog at all (one solution: remove these posts) I guess the first thing to do is to increase the fan count from zero to... well anything above zero is fine with me. Not that you care, and by you I mean "imaginary readers." If by some chance you have stumbled upon this page on your own, and have not left immediately, I invite you to help me shamelessly promote my blog with this link: www.inee- Oh wait you're not reading this. Who am I kidding? Ah, right: myself. In that case, humor me and post this as your Facebook/MySpace status: I <3 ineedanavailablename.blogspot.com*

*I am not responsible for a sudden decrease in your friend count.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Another post? Wow this blogger has determination...not always a good thing.

Yes I have decided to type another post. Why? Just because, that's why. I know in the title I referred to myself as a blogger, but can I really be called a blogger if I don't constantly update about my life? OF COURSE I CAN! And although I am so much of a loser that I didn't even remember I had a blog until I found an old email about it, I will attempt to type with the same quality as I typed in my previous post. Let's see what I need to blog relatively* successfully. Geeky mastery of the English language? Check. I defy you, you nonexistent reader, to carefully find one typo! What do you mean I split my infinitive? Whatever, you get the point. Zero Friends? *Sigh* Check. No, believe me it's a check. Functional keyboard, which I can use to ramble? Obviously or I wouldn't have gotten very far with this post. So what have I proved? That I can continue wasting my life posting to no one in particular? Oh well, I may not have friends, but I do have a blog. And in the end, isn't that all that matters? Isn't it?

*As in just enough success so that one person, who is not me or an account I made to post comments praising myself, has read this blog. Or skimmed it. Or glared at this page reproachfully before closing their browser in disgust. Whatever works, honestly.

Friday, May 1, 2009

What Am I Doing Here?

So...um hi? I found that a lot of websites were hosted by blogspot so I decided to make one of my own. I was going to make a blog based on a couple of ideas that I had, but I couldn't think of a name for my blog or website. Oh well, now that I have a blog, I don't know what to do with it. I don't know anything about cars, I don't watch movies that frequently, I don't eat at restraunts often enough to be a food critic, and I can't write funny rants or post funny videos because I'm not a very angry kinda guy and I don't own a video camera with sufficient quality. FML-ish blog? Nah my life isn't that bad. In fact I'm really not sure how a blog would benefit me... some ideas?
  • Chicks dig a nerdy, friendless blogger who rambles on a pointless blog?
  • All of the top colleges are looking for someone who has time but doesn't know how to spend it.
  • The easiest way to get friends is to post the link to your website on some random forum.

As you can see, I have no chicks, am not applying to college at this moment, and I have no friends. So why am I still typing if no one will read this? If there is no point to this blog? It's because I have hope that some person will type in "this makes no sense" on Google and look through the list of url's until they see my blog and are just bored enough to take a look. Odds are they won't, but hey there are worse blogs... right? Right?