Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Yea it's another post... Deal with it.

Alright so this is sad. I forgot my blog and my promise to maintain this blog and my unspoken promise to keep these promises... and I broke them. Why? Because I am so much of a loser, this blog is at the bottom of my priorities:
Loserguy's Priorities
  • Find Friends (apparently stalking is not an acceptable substitute for friendship)
  • Work on "Conversation"
  • Cry
  • Support the Hannah Montana Fan Club
  • Steal letters from next-door so that I can return them forcing my neighbor to interact with me (Note to self: Practice "Conversation" first)
So that's a list of my priorities. Oh wait I forgot to put "updating my blog" on there. That's how worthless this blog is. Hmm, if I want to add any worth to this blog at all (one solution: remove these posts) I guess the first thing to do is to increase the fan count from zero to... well anything above zero is fine with me. Not that you care, and by you I mean "imaginary readers." If by some chance you have stumbled upon this page on your own, and have not left immediately, I invite you to help me shamelessly promote my blog with this link: www.inee- Oh wait you're not reading this. Who am I kidding? Ah, right: myself. In that case, humor me and post this as your Facebook/MySpace status: I <3 ineedanavailablename.blogspot.com*

*I am not responsible for a sudden decrease in your friend count.